All about WEB applications

What's a web application?

By definition a strong web application is an online application that only requires installation on a web browser unlike mobile applications that are available for download from the store.
Web applications are versions already optimized by developments in order to be used from mobile or on the web directly, moreover the application can be adapted and used by all devices.

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The different types of web applications

Static web applications are applications that display very little information.
Videos and animations can be published on this type of application, in general the content varies very little.
It is difficult to modify the content of static web applications but not impossible for the experts.

Dynamic web application

Application that represents more complexity than other types of application on the technical part.
There are programming languages to create dynamic web applications.
We generally find the computer language PHP and ASP.
Unlike the static web application, the content is very easily modifiable as well as the design of the application.